A question for all architects out there: do you love the RIBA Plan of Work but know that your clients don’t love it quite as much as you do?
I’d been slightly obsessed by it for a while – by the beauty of it but also by how strangely impenetrable it is. And I had a secret plan to rewrite it one day for all those people (including me) who didn’t spend seven years at architecture school.
But that day never quite came. And then not so long ago my lovely clients Simon Drayson and Darren Leach at George and James Architects talked to me about doing exactly that.
So together we came up with ‘An Alternative Guide to the RIBA Work Stages’.
You’ll see a snapshot of it in the image above, and you can see the whole thing here (scroll a fair way down, past a few pictures of the team – including me! – and past ‘Process’).
What do you think of our Alternative Guide? Get in touch and let me know.